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SpaceShare Carpooling & Green Logistics January Newsletter

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Happy New Year!

The January newsletter reviews how our vision is evolving, and what we expect to accomplish in the coming year. And to invite you to help SpaceShare make the connections we need to do our green work.

The new year is a good time to ask everyone to help us make new connections. To start with the basics: through the coming spring and summer, what large festivals and conferences will you be attending? Let us know about the events, but even more important: tell the organizers you'd like to carpool, and encourage them to contact SpaceShare. As a ticket-buyer, they're much more likely to listen to you than to an outside environmental group.

The same pattern seems to hold throughout the environmental movement: it takes a few people focused on a project, in combination with thousands of people asking for change at the ballot box or cash register, to effect change. Adding your voice to the calls for a greener planet really does make the difference.

Our vision for the New Year

SpaceShare grew about 500% last year. Our matching tools, our website, and our outreach plan were all revised, made cleaner and easier to use. We're still "small," providing carpooling and environmental logistics to a tiny percentage of the events that need it. SpaceShare's vision, since the beginning, has been to combine big dreams with solid work. Many environmental projects languish as ideas waiting for someone else to implement them, we want to make sure SpaceShare happens no matter who wins elections or what the government decides to fund.

Outreach is our next challenge. Joel, Andrew, Susan, Liane and Brian will be spreading carpooling across North America, forming the core of a new outreach effort. As this team comes together, we're in a position to turn our "prototype" into a real current for change. With the new outreach team, we're looking for a rapid transformation, offering hundreds of events the option to be green.

It's our clear promise to people thinking of volunteering: if you put your time and energy into this project, you will make a difference for the planet!

Looking Ahead One Step: Green Events

In our vision, we discussed SpaceShare as an "icebreaker" or "asphalt breaker," introducing event planners to many other ways to green their events. That vision will begin to solidify into action this year.

We're in the process of launching a nonprofit, Green Events, as an Initiative of the MetaFoundation (www.metafoundation.org). SpaceShare will continue to build the sharing and networking tools. Green Events will find new sources of funding and volunteers to work on a broader mission. Green Events volunteers are putting together the Green Guide mentioned in previous newsletters, simplifying green event planning and green travel: www.spaceshare.com/green

By the end of this year, we hope again to have a few hundred percent growth of the basic SpaceShare tools, and to complete the prototype for broadening our efforts to green events.

Looking further

The new year is a good time to look ahead. Green Events hopes to find funding for a few amazing projects in the coming years:

  • International development efforts often need supplies delivered, and travelers often hope to help the nations they visit. We want to connect travelers who can bring an extra suitcase of supplies with the NGOs that need them.
  • Earth Stewardship should be a part of every faith based meeting. We hope to provide carpooling tools for every church, synagogue, mosque and other faith-based institution in North America. Imagine not only saving millions of passenger miles each week, but having the chance to reinforce the connections between religion and Earth Stewardship, to create an avenue for religious environmentalists to reach congregations of their faith. Do you want to write the grant proposal that makes this happen?

We're still holding true to our long term goal, making it possible for you to walk out of your house with a cell phone and get a ride.

A request for everyone

A Request for feedback: have you been to an event that has an alternative rideboard? What do we do better, what do other systems do better? Has anyone used both a SpaceShare system and Bioneer's system this year to try to match for rides and rooms? What did you think? How can we improve our tools?

Some key requests

We're still looking for someone to research and contact speakers, encouraging the speakers to encourage their events to be green. A great class project or internship - know any students starting spring semester?

Fund an intern. Even as we progress towards wild goals, SpaceShare has mostly been feeding off the efforts & pocket of one person, and Green Events has no budget at all. If your job keeps you busy but you'd like to contribute to some amazing work for the planet, you could work miracles. A relatively small stipend of $500 or $1000 would help us attract a stable, consistent intern for an entire semester as we launch this project.

If you would like to donate to Green Events in any amount, we'd love your assistance. These projects have been powered mostly by volunteers and we've avoided asking for money as long as we can, but a little bit of funding would go a long way right now. Can you help? http://www.postcarbon.org/index.php?page=membership- greenevents (please let me know if you do, as you'll also be testing out this new web form.)

Growing Volunteer Activism

Along with the new outreach team, a big thank you to Ann Yahmail and Tom Yamaguchi, who have been doing some great work editing our new documents and website.

And belated thank-you to Eugene von Raesfeld, who came out of the blue to run our exhibit at the Sustainable Resources Conference in Colorado!

Be the Change,

PS. Tips from the SpaceShare geeks: Email Privacy

Google your email address. Spammers use "spiders," automated programs that browse the web, going from link to link, collecting email addresses for spam lists. Google does something similar, but for more worthy purposes. If your email address comes up on a Google search, you can be pretty sure that web page will get you on a spam list.

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